La fin de la programmation telle que nous la connaissons

par Mike Loukides

Illustration de la programmation

Qu'est-ce que la programmation ?

Betty Jean Jennings and Frances Bilas (right) program the ENIAC in 1946. Via the Computer History Museum

Betty Jean Jennings and Frances Bilas (right) program the ENIAC in 1946. Via the Computer History Museum

La fin de la programmation

“Google, Facebook, Amazon, or a host of more recent Silicon Valley startups…employ tens of thousands of workers. If you think with a twentieth century factory mindset, those workers spend their days grinding out products, just like their industrial forebears, only today, they are producing software rather than physical goods. If, instead, you step back and view these companies with a 21st century mindset, you realize that a large part of the work of these companies – delivering search results, news and information, social network status updates, and relevant products for purchase – is done by software programs and algorithms. These are the real workers, and the programmers who create them are their managers.”—Tim O’Reilly, “Managing the Bots That Are Managing the Business,” MIT Sloan Management Review, May 21, 2016